Ricardo Santos articles indexRicardo Santos·FollowJan 4, 2021--ListenShareEnhancing mobile app user experience through efficient caching in Swift0. TLDRricardojpsantos.medium.comSwift tips : Perfect MapperA non verbose value type copy approachricardojpsantos.medium.comUsing SwiftLint to decrease code smell on Xcode…and increase over all consistency in our code base.ricardojpsantos.medium.comAdding a Design Language to your Xcode project.Going from messy styles code to clean and scalable styles code.ricardojpsantos.medium.comBuilding and end-to-end encryption framework in SwiftSecurity can be a major concern for companies and developers building applications, especially in the medical field…ricardojpsantos.medium.comCreating and deploying a Vapor (Swift) web app into Heroku cloud platform — Part (2/2)Complex routing and database connectionricardojpsantos.medium.comCreating and deploying a Vapor (Swift) web app into Heroku cloud platform -Part (1/2)Create and deployricardojpsantos.medium.comAvoiding merge conflicts with XcodeGen